
As a co-op, CFA is committed to the long-term financial success of our members. From flexible loans to hands-on support, we provide reliable products that exceed expectations. Additionally, we give our members the opportunity to offer custom Production Ag Loans to their member-owners in order to support their need for additional funding for their farming enterprises.


CFA membership is exclusive to agricultural cooperatives. To become a member, one must purchase a Class A Common Stock share for $2,000.


CFA conducts the majority of its business on a patronage basis. A substantial portion of our annual earnings are returned to our members as a patronage refund. The patronage refund consists of both cash and Class B Common Stock.

Base Capital Plan

CFA has established a Base Capital Plan for the purpose of obtaining the equity capital needed for its business. A minimal stock investment of $2,000 is required for most financial commitments.

Products and Services

Members have full access to CFA’s wide range of financial products and services, including commercial agribusiness loans and input finance loans. Additionally, our member cooperatives can offer dedicated financing options to their customers.

Interested in Applying for CFA Membership?

Get in touch with one of our regional portfolio managers.